Monday, December 15, 2008

The Tree.

I lost it putting up the tree while listening to the Connie Francis Christmas Album.

There was tons of hesitancy for me in participating in this years Winter holiday given life's stress and uncertain world. I felt perhaps I might forgo the tree and opt for a few candles and maybe some flowers, but an important reason for my change of heart was my friend Charles who years ago inspired my search for the sparse "un-sheared" tree. I was eager to finally show off my secret farm where trees are left to their natural design. We drove
an hour into the country to my special find. The day was cold and gorgeous and the ground was a little muddy but after a brisk search through a sunny field we each cut beautiful trees. I am glad because it brought hope.

Hope is much of what we have now and its powerful as I found great joy in the symbol of this ancient evergreen
totem, serving generations through thousands of dark Winters.

So, after squeezing the trunk into the stand
, unraveling lights and about the third bar of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas I lost it, my eyes teared and mind flooded with all the people and occasions represented by the gaudy ornaments dangling in defiance. It was a pretty nice moment. The Tree did its thing for me once again and I found myself firmly in life's saddle, acutely aimed toward the light.

A Joyful Solstice.


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